Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Arson at Australian Bank, but At Least No One Was Shot

Filed under: Self-Defense — Tags: , , , , — mikewb1971 @ 11:55 PM (23:55)

Yesterday, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC] reported that a court in Melbourne released a video from CCTV archives of an asylum seeker from Myanmar setting fire to a Springvale branch of the Commonwealth Bank.

Apparently, the guy in question, 22-year-old Nur Islam, allegedly got pissed off because he had to stand in line to make his withdrawl, so he left the bank, went to a nearby gas station, then returned to the bank with a 1/3-full gas can.

Mr. Islam then allegedly proceeds to dump a bit of the petrol on the bank’s floor by the customer entrance, and light it with a cigarette lighter.

It seems that Mr. Islam wasn’t a very good alleged arsonist, as he was reported to have been hospitalized with burns over sixty percent of his body.

Watch the video clip above again — the big fireball heading towards the camera is allegedly Mr. Islam, post-ignition.

But . . . but . . . Australia has #gunsense, so no one was shot by an unsanctioned person carrying a firearm, and that’s what’s important to the oppressives and regressives.

So while no one was shot by Mr. Islam, no one else was able to use a firearm (or any other sort of weapon, it seems) to stop Mr. Islam’s alleged amateurish attempt at arson.

H/T Mark Quon


  1. Australian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC] –
    1. Springvale bank fire: CCTV shows ‘pandemonium’ as customers flee arson attack by Emma Younger
    2. Bank fire: Dozens injured, two critical, after man allegedly sets fire to Springvale CBA


  1. Published in The Libertarian EnterpriseNumber 941, 24 September 2017
  2. Approximate reading level – 9.1
  3. Reposted –
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