Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Cash In With “Gun Control” AND Support the Second Amendment

Filed under: Events, Humor, Media, Politics, Principles, Resistance, Self-Defense, Technology — Tags: , , , , , — mikewb1971 @ 5:20 PM (17:20)

Every gun should be a happy and wanted gun, adopted by loving owners who will care for it and feed it and make sure that there are plenty of other guns nearby to keep it company.

Still, most of the Political Classholes, along with their flunkies among law enforcement and the media, are working to part you from your firearms by hook, crook, or any other means available to them.

For example, this event in Albuquerque currently scheduled for Saturday, 13 July 2019, as advertised covered by KOB

APD to hold gun buyback event

The event in question isn’t a “buyback” at all, unless the City of Albuquerque or Bernalillo County were at some point in the business of providing firearms to private citizens — the people didn’t get them from the City or County in the first place, so the event organizers are not buying any guns back from anyone.

This is nothing more than a publicly-funded turn-in-your-guns-now-for-a-pittance-so-we-don’t-have-to-red-flag-you-and-maybe-kill-you-later scheme.

Most people don’t realize that this could be a way to make some easy cash at the expense of the victim disarmers and hoplophobes.

Simply shop the plumbing sections of Home Depot or Lowes. A hundred bucks worth of pipe and end-caps can be made into 400-500 worth of 12-gauge zip guns. I doubt that APD will be test-firing them before handing over the cash.

And making those zip guns is completely legal under New Mexico law. Selling them to anyone other than a federally-licensed dealer might put you afoul of federal victim disarmament statutes. Just remember to make sure that the barrel length is at least 18 inches (more like 26 inches, as the overall length of your hypothetical zip gun needs to be 26 inches), per the National Firearms Act of 1934.

(Will the Albuquerque Police Department or the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office be conducting background checks on anyone turning in their guns for pennies on the FRN? Signs point to “no.”)

What else does this bit of do-it-yourself “gunsmithing” do besides add some potential cash to your wallet?

It allows you to illustrate the utter futility and stupidity of victim disarmament statues.

When anyone who paid a bit of attention in high-school shop class (do they still have that in the taxpayer-subsidized, government-owned-and-operated indoctrination and daycare centers public schools any more?) can build themselves a serviceable shotgun for under 50 in about an hour, what does that do to the victim disarmament schemes of the Political Classholes?

Simple — it ensures that at least some segment of the population will almost always be armed, despite what the Classwipes want.


  1. Published at The Libertarian EnterpriseNumber 1,022: Sunday, 26 May 2019
  2. Reposted –
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