Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Saturday, 22 April 2017

[LTE – ABQ Journal] Spare us the crocodile platitudes

Filed under: Media, Politics, Principles, Self-Defense — Tags: , , , , , — mikewb1971 @ 8:45 PM (20:45)

In Friday’s “Up Front” column “Daughter of gun victim vows to keep ‘putting grief into action,'” Joline Gutierrez Krueger writes that she and her fellow members of “Everytown for Gun Safety” don’t want to infringe anyone’s liberty:

“How do we keep strengthening gun laws without weakening Second Amendment rights?”

“. . . though Everytown’s members stress that they support keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people while protecting the rights of responsible gun owners.”

If the people backing “Everytown for Gun Safety” truly cared about firearms safety, then why aren’t they helping fund firearms safety training, as does their “archnemesis,” the National Rifle Association?

Instead, all they do is lobby and agitate for more restrictive laws upon the pre-existing civil, Constitutional, human individual right to own and carry weapons, as guaranteed by the State and U.S. Constitutions.

As for the phrase “gun violence” —

Why are not criminal stabbings or slashings with knives ever referred to as “knife violence” ?

Why are hit and run murders done with cars or trucks never called “automotive violence” ?

Why are attacks using baseball bats, pry bars, hammers and pieces of steel rebar never referred to as “blunt object violence” ?

So please, Ms. Krueger, Ms. Brulé, spare us the crocodile platitudes about “respecting rights.”

Submitted to the Albuquerque Journal on Monday, 17 April 2017.

As published in the Albuquerque Journal on Saturday, 22 April 2017 —

Guns are not only tool for violence

   In (APRIL 14)’s “Up Front” column “Daughter of gun victim vows to keep ‘putting grief into action,'” Joline Gutierrez Krueger writes that she and her fellow members of “Everytown for Gun Safety” don’t want to infringe anyone’s liberty:
   “How do we keep strengthening gun laws without weakening Second Amendment rights?”
   “. . . though Everytown’s members stress that they support keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people while protecting the rights of responsible gun owners.”
   If the people backing “Everytown for Gun Safety” truly cared about firearms safety, then why aren’t they helping fund firearms safety training, as does their “archnemesis,” the National Rifle Association?
   Instead, all they do is lobby and agitate for more restrictive laws upon the pre-existing civil, Constitutional, human individual right to own and carry weapons, as guaranteed by the State and U.S. Constitutions.
   As for the phrase “gun violence,” why are not criminal stabbings or slashings with knives ever referred to as “knife violence”? Why are hit-and-run murders done with cars or trucks never called “automotive violence”? Why are attacks using baseball bats, pry bars, hammers and pieces of steel rebar never referred to as “blunt object violence”?
   So please, Ms. Krueger, Ms. Brulé, spare us the crocodile platitudes about “respecting rights.”



Related comment —

Albuquerque Journal: Re: Daughter of gun victim vows to keep ‘putting grief into action’

If the people backing “Everytown for Gun Safety” truly cared about firearms safety, then why aren’t they chipping in towards firearms safety training, as does the group they list as their archnemesis, the National Rifle Association?

Why is it that not only is “Everytown for Gun Safety” not supporting gun safety training as the National Rifle Association does, its principals are actively working against such training by lobbying to have the places where most of that training would take place — shooting ranges — shut down using “nuisance” laws and zoning codes?

If Michael Bloomberg and the other multi-millionaires behind “Everytown for Gun Safety” truly cared about gun safety, they would put their millions behind the construction of MORE shooting ranges, and the maintenance of existing ones. They would chip in for the creation of DVDs and online video shows that provide instruction on the safe and proficient handling of firearms.

Instead, all they do is lobby and agitate for more restrictive laws upon the pre-existing civil, Constitutional, human individual right to own and carry weapons, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and Article II, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of New Mexico.

As for the phrase “gun violence” —

Why are not criminal stabbings or slashings with knives ever referred to as “knife violence” ?

Why are hit and run murders done with cars or trucks never called “automotive violence” ?

Why are attacks using baseball bats, pry bars, hammers and pieces of steel rebar never referred to as “blunt object violence” ?

Copied to Facebook here


  1. Published at the Albuquerque JournalSaturday, 22 April 2017, Rio West, p.3, Opinion – Letters: “Guns are not only tool for violence
  2. Approximate reading level – 13.2
  3. Reposted –
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    3. Albuquerque Liberty Forum Facebook page
    4. New Mexico Dissent and Expose Facebook page
    5. Vote Dumpster Fire Facebook page
    6. Libertarian Party of Bernalillo County, New Mexico Facebook page
    7. “New Mexico Libertarians” Facebook group
    8. “New Mexico Gun Rights” Facebook group
    9. “Pink Pistols — Albuquerque” Facebook group
    10. “Libertarian Party of Bernalillo County, New Mexico” Facebook page
    11. “New Mexico for Liberty” Facebook group
    12. “Libertarian Party USA (Unofficial)” Facebook group
    13. “GONM” Facebook group

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