Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Random Shots for Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Filed under: Random Shots — mikewb1971 @ 1:01 AM (01:01)

Today in history

Comments I’ve posted

  1. Posted to Facebook

    I’ll buy books at Hastings when possible from now on.

    “At Hastings, across from DD, yesterday I had a very, ummmm….interesting – for lack of a better word- conversation. Actually, it was less of a conversation, and more of an attack. This lady approached me, and the first words out of her mouth were, “You should be arrested, and put in jail for the rest of your life for carrying that thing.” I proceeded to explain that her opinion was as much of a right as my OC’ing of a firearm. She called over the nearest associate, and requested her to call the police. The associate refused to make the call, and informed the lady that Hastings “appreciates” their customers who choose to exercise their 2A rights. At this point the customer had raised her voice to the point a crowd was gathering. Needless to say, she called the police herself. Three officers promptly arrived, due to her over-exaggerated claims, and after assessing the situation, explained to the lady the same thing everyone else had: “he is doing nothing wrong by carrying a holstered, loaded firearm in a respectful manner.” By the time she started in on the cops for carrying, I was done with the whole thing, and removed myself from the situation before I got belligerent with her. All-in-all, this was THE best OC experience I have had yet! The police escorted the crazy lady out the door at the request of the associate. God bless Hastings, and all of its employees.”

  2. Posted to Facebook

    How about Susana vetoes the expansion of Medicare (really part of implementing Obamacare), HB 77 and HB 402 should they land on her desk? Isn’t Susana supposed to be pro-gun and pro-free-market?

  3. Posted to Facebook

    Neil, I wouldn’t put it past him to do a song like that.

  4. Posted to Facebook

    “I like big guns and I cannot lie … “

    Idea from L Neil Smith

  5. Posted to Facebook

  6. Posted to Facebook

    I’m at the point where if I find out someone is supports victim disarmament, then I really couldn’t care less what else they have to say.

  7. Shared a picture on Facebook –

    The hoplophobes keep saying “no one wants to take away your guns.” Here’s another bit that proves them to be outright liars.

  8. Posted to Facebook

    I wish – – apparently some think she’s still worth keeping around.

  9. Posted to Facebook

    I favor making the Nevada Test Site into something like Heinlein’s Coventry – enclose it with razorwire, then drop ’em off and leave them to their own devices.

  10. Shared a picture on Facebook –

  11. Posted to Facebook

    About the snitch programs, such have already been in place for a while now. What kind of results do they get?

  12. Re: Dear Senator Cruz

    @tendollar4ways – And the Democrats aren’t “bought and owned by the large corporate interests” ?

  13. Re: Now, What Kinda Sense Does That Make?

    I think that the people running the Democrat and Republican party machines would prefer to have something similar to medieval feudalism than the current system, with themselves as the overlords and the rest of us as the serfs and peasants. Their problem is that if they go too far, too fast, we’ll resist. Hence the ongoing push for victim disarmament AKA “gun control.”

    For these people, rules about drinking ages, lotteries, etc., are simply tools to advance their larger agenda.

    The way I see it, their mission has three steps:

    1. Milk the donors and party faithful for as much as they can get
    2. Get their people into positions of power, whether it’s public office, in the party, or wherever else.
    3. Milk everyone else using the spoils system.

    Assisting in this is are the voters who have the “WWE” mentality towards politics – when the “other party” does something bad, plays dirty, they get pissed. But when “their people” do the same sort of thing, well, that’s OK, because it’s “our people” doing it.

  14. Re: Repeal the Second Amendment to Resolve Gun Issues

    @vexations  – Yes, this is Libertarian “moral code.”

    You asked, I provided an answer. The fact that my answer doesn’t line up with what you wanted by reinforcing your prejudices and pre-conceived notions isn’t my problem.

    The same moral code (Non-agression Principle) that now has legislation before our state legislature to ban bike helmets.

    The article that you linked to above states: Older motorcyclists would have the option of riding without a helmet under a bill Tennessee lawmakers plan to take up this week. So the Tennessee General Assembly isn’t proposing to “ban bike helmets” at all as you keep calling for in relation to firearms. Last time I checked, the passage “Older motorcyclists would have the option of riding without a helmet” means that the choice of whether or not to wear a helmet is up to the individual rider. That much is clear from the very title of the article – Motorcycle helmet could become optional for adult riders in TN. I didn’t even have to look at the article itself to know that, as I could tell just from the URL you posted: [emphasis added]

    Repealing the second amendment does not mean people would have to give up arms.

    I’ll take this with a fraction of a grain of salt, considering that most of those calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment are also insisting for exactly that sort of involuntary surrender or seizure. I dare you to prove me wrong.

    References to “rights” and a moral code based on the non-agression principle keeps us from dealing with the real issues.

    What exactly are “the real issues” ? Besides your insistence that I should be willing to surrender liberty and property upon demand just so you can have your warm fuzzy on the issue that you “made a difference” and “got something done,” that is?

    @saturnnights – Except that Mr. Bill here seems to think that we’re just going to happily hand in all of our guns and ammo upon demand, and then be content to depend on 9-1-1 for self-defense. Sure – right after the gangbangers turn theirs in. Seriously, sooner or later he’ll have to confront the fact that the gun laws he’s proposing will be enforced at gunpoint.

    So how about it, Mr. Bill – when will you put that “THIS HOUSE IS A GUN-FREE ZONE” sign on your front lawn? How about a matching sticker on your car’s back bumper? If you truly believe that guns are really so bad, you should do this proudly, and post pictures after the fact here on your blog.

  15. Re: Repeal the Second Amendment to Resolve Gun Issues

    @saturnnights – I forgot the T-shirt, jacket and baseball cap that say “PROUD SUPPORTER OF GUN CONTROL – I AM NOT ARMED”

  16. Re: [trolls]

    Aesthetics are arbitrary. One person’s troll is another’s source of sage wisdom. Often for the same comments.

  17. Posted to Facebook

    Biden and his side-by-side might need to team up with Obama and his over-under.

  18. Posted to Facebook

    I’ve lost pets before – my condolences on your losses.

Listening / Reading / Watching

  1. Military Channel: Black Ops
  2. Knoxville News: Motorcycle helmet could become optional for adult riders in TN
  3. The Tennessean: Motorcycle helmet could become optional for adult riders in TN

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